Political Authoritarianism and Support for Populism in Europe, the United States and Latin America
Arman Azedi*, PhD
Wednesday, October 16. 2024 | 11-12:20 pm
INTN 3023 (Interdisciplinary Studies Room North, Room 3023)
Populist political parties are attracting an ever-growing share of support worldwide. This project seeks to enhance our understanding of the values and beliefs that drive ordinary citizens to back left-wing and right-wing populists by investigating the role of political authoritarianism and anti-democratic views. Some scholars propose that populist ideology inherently contains divisive and intolerant tenets that conflict with principles necessary to maintaining democracy. Focusing on three separate political contexts, Western Europe, the United States, and Latin America, the project reveals that political authoritarianism is associated with support for populists depending on the ideology of the populist in question. Citizens who support right-wing populists consistently display disproportionately high levels of political authoritarianism and disregard for democratic norms, while the left-wing populist support base does not. The findings ultimately challenge monolithic portrayals of populism as anti-democratic.
Sponsored by the University of California-Riverside Political Science and Sociology Departments, the Global Studies Program, and the Institute for Research on World Systems.
*Arman Azedi is a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Research on World-Systems at UCR. He received his PhD in Sociology from the University of California-Irvine in 2024.
End-of-Term Celebration
Where: INTS 1113
Date: Wednesday, November 29th
Time: 11:30 AM- 5:45 PM
Colin Milburn’s keynote address will focus on his experience establishing a personalized pathway for Science and Technology Studies (STS) on various UC campuses. Dr. Milburn cultivates graduate and undergraduate student engagement in a context that promotes the productive crossing of academic silos of knowledge acquisition and research. His areas of interest include science fiction, gothic horror, the history of biology, the history of physics, nanotechnology, video games, and the digital humanities.
Colin's research explores the intersections of science, literature, and media technologies. He is especially interested in the ways that science fiction has impacted the history of science. His many books include Respawn: Gamers, Hackers, and Techngenic Life (Duke University Press, 2018) examines the role of video games in the development of high-tech culture and online activism. At UC Davis, Milburn is a professor in the English Department, director of the Science and Technology Studies Department, and a professor in the Cinema and Digital Media Department.
The Department of History, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, the Center for Ideas and Society and Decolonizing Humanities Series at UCR present: A Panel Discussion (online)
Protests in Iran: Context, Significance & Future
Professor Janet Afary, UC Santa Barbara
Professor Kaveh Ehsani, DePaul University
Professor Mehrnaz Saeedvafa, Columbia College, Chicago
Professor Maziar Behrooz, San Francisco State University
Moderated by Fariba Zarinebaf, Professor of History, UCR
Date & Time: Friday, October 28, 2-3:30 Pacific Time ( online)
Register in advance for this meeting: https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEucuGvrzMrE92ui61fZyh-Rl4qJ-VsEVj0
Speaker Series 2022
Hot off the Presses: Christopher Chase-Dunn
The Center for Ideas & Society presents a book talk with Christopher Chase-Dunn (Sociology, UCR) and co-author Paul Almeida, "Global Struggles and Social Change From Prehistory to World Revolution in the Twenty-First Century"
This is a book about global social movements and the impacts that they have had and will have, on the institutional structure of global society. The main concepts used to analyze the history of world politics are globalization, the world-system, neoliberalism, Global North and South, the welfare state, social citizenship, social movements, and world revolutions. The authors are sociologists who have done research on transnational social movements in Latin America and on human sociocultural evolution. They emphasize the often-ignored distinction between ‘structural globalization’ and the capitalist-inspired globalization project. Chapter 1 declares that ‘Collective behavior and social movements have been important drivers of social change since the emergence of human language.’ This sets the tone for the whole book, implicitly criticizing the ‘presentism’ of most social science and enhancing it with a very long historical perspective. The theoretical stance behind this is labeled ‘institutional materialism’. Chase-Dunn and Almeida combine both functional and social movement theories to deploy a world-system perspective for analyzing the evolution of world politics.
- Link to Event Notice: https://events.ucr.edu/event/Chase-Dunn#.YD1Utl1ueqA
- Link to Recording: https://vimeo.com/513169032
The artists of The Moving Matters Traveling Workshop (MMTW) were born and have lived in different countries. Yet they share a common story of serial migration. While a cosmopolitan may evolve from provincialism toward global consciousness and an immigrant may feel torn between two countries, the “serial migrant” is shaped by her implication in successive environments and the effort to make herself of them all. Since 2013, the artists of the MMTW have taken UC Riverside Professor of Anthropology Susan Ossman’s analysis of serial migrants’ struggles in Moving Matters Paths of Serial Migration as a springboard for further research, fashioning themselves as a collective to examine their common experience of serial migration by producing works of art, exhibitions and performances to probe the politics of movement, migration, and sequestration.
The performance and exhibition of MMTW Memory Books at the Culver Center accompany the Serial Migrants Art and Identity conference at the Center for Ideas and Society. Memory Books chronicle the imaginative and effective development of the project.
Details about MMTW events occurring internationally as well as in the United States since 2013: https://movingmattersworkshops.ucr.edu/past_events/